Fall in Love with LIFE

Chakra Balancing Course  

This course has been created based on my experience of running studio classes, individual sessions, international teacher training courses, and, of course a summary of my own experiences over the last 20 years in the wellness industry and 12 years of yoga teaching. Originally, started in a studio in Watford, UK in April 2018, this course had it first appearance online in July 2020 as a way to support many of us (myself included) during the pandemic. Since the, it has undergone lots of tuning where feedback from hundreds of attendees has been taken into consideration and now ready to be re - launched in April 2022!!!

Whether you have worked with me previously or not, this course takes you on a 7 week fully immersive journey where we dedicate 7 days to each energy centre (chakra). You’ll have a chance to learn valuable tools which can then be accessed at any moment of your life.  

This online course has been designed to help women who want to reconnect with their authentic self and to find that feeling of peace, joy, happiness and fulfilment. It is indeed a way to learn how the language of your body and gain clarity of the path you are meant to take.

It is a continuation of the Chakra balancing workshop as a way of deepening your connection to your subtle body and understanding the mysticism behind your thoughts and bodily experiences.  

Each week is dedicated to exploration of one energy centre as well as their intimate connection to one another and the way each influences our mind, body and life in general. You will get a chance to explore your feelings, emotions, and become aware of your body’s needs in a safe and supportive environment.  

What’s included in each week?

  • 7 x 20-25min videos lessons “Theory of Chakra”. An introduction to each energy centre and overview of the week

  • 7 x 45-55min videos of yoga sessions. Each class dedicated to deepening your connection and to illuminate each centre.

  • 7 x 10-15min videos of tuning meditation to self diagnose and understand each chakra.

  • 7 x 8-12min videos of breathing exercises to move Prana (life energy) in the body to balance and enliven each cell

  • 7 x 5min audio of guided morning meditations - affirmations to start your day feeling connected to the Higher Self

  • 7 x 15-18min audios of evening meditation to reconcile with your day and to plant a seed of expansion into each chakra

  • 3 x 60 min videos of Art of Meditation through sacred geometry to stimulate your creativity (Svadhistana), process deep feelings (Anahata) and envision a life of peace and harmony(Adjna).

  • Each week includes additional recommendations and exercises that would balance, harmonise and enhance your experience of chakra balancing.

Introduction to the mystery of YOU.  

  • Week 1 - Self Acceptance. Connect to your body 

  • Week 2 - Self Forgiveness. Understand your emotions 

  • Week 3 - Self Worth. Learn your value

  • Week 4 - Self Love. Experience your feelings 

  • Week 5 - Self Expression. Find your voice 

  • Week 6 - Self Awareness. Know yourself 

  • Week 7 - Self Wisdom. Be at peace 

What will you feel along the way and after? 

It is easy for me to talk about the benefits of this system and this course as I have been practicing it myself for many years, hence calling it “Fall In Love With Life” as that’s exactly how I feel every day! The secret is to understand the cyclical nature of life with its ups and downs, to resist nothing and to express gratitude for everything! It is about embracing your whole existence and reconditioning your mind from fragmented thinking imposed on us from the moment of birth. 

During the course you’ll have a good level of understanding of what chakras are (electromagnetic energy centres in the body), you will learn about the manifesting and liberating currents and how you can love the life you live here and now. 

Sometime along this journey, and long after it, you will feel a strong sense of purpose and enthusiasm for life, you’ll have energy to initiate actions and to complete them, you’ll learn about balance between giving and to receiving love, you’ll know what it’s like to feel inspired, creative and filled with joy! 

Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone, go through a range of various emotions and sensations which all together will help you to create that change on a cellular level and find the happiness and balance you have been striving for. 


We would love you to join us…